How To Limit Background Processes On Your Android Device ~ Umair Abubakkar ~ Software Market DGK

By GSM Player → Monday, 16 June 2014
Hello Friends, Most of old android phones have low CPU and lower ram, but what if you want to play games on it? So don't worry you can play games on your old device using some tweaks on your device. On your android device there are many background processes are running because of that your device slows down. But there is a way to kill some of the processes, but some of the apps that you have just killed will auto start as soon as you kill it’s process. You can limit background processes on your android device and continue enjoying your game or app by following some simple steps. 

Written by Umair Abubakkar - Software Market DGK

How to Limit Background Processes on your Android device: 

  • Go to Android device ‘Settings’ 
  • Go to ‘Developer options’ 
  • Enable Developer option by sliding to the right. 
  • You get a warning pop-up message. 
  • Click on OK. 
  • Scroll down, under ‘Apps’ tap on ‘Limit background processes’.
  • Another pop-up appears and this is where you can limit background processes. 
  • ‘Standard limit’ will be selected by default. 
  • You have an option to select one of the six options. 

On enabling Developer option you get a warning message which says – “These settings are intended for development use only. They can cause errors to occur on your device and with the applications on it.” So, this is a warning message and enabling this feature is like installing a beta version on a stable machine. You will have to enable this feature at your own risk. I would recommend not to enable this feature and leave it at it’s default settings, as it might cause issues. You can give it a try as there are many options in addition to Limit Background Processes. 

Written by Umair Abubakkar - Software Market DGK

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Umair Abubakkar

I'm Muhammad Umair Abubakkar. A full time web designer. I enjoy to make modern template. I love create blogger template and write about web design, blogger. Now I'm working with GSM Player.

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