
Umair Abubakkar - 2021-01-24T10:47:48.000Z

By GSM Player → Sunday, 24 January 2021
SharpShooter / Cheat Ninja News Due to the ongoing legal issues with Tencent, we are forced to pause all services for now. We will post any news that we are able to disclose here as soon as we can. Some scammers may use this opportunity to claim to be a new brand of our team. Please do not believe any of it. Note: jinho ny buy kya hwa hay woh wait kr lain jab server on ho ga to un ka hack chal jay ga
Umair Abubakkar

I'm Muhammad Umair Abubakkar. A full time web designer. I enjoy to make modern template. I love create blogger template and write about web design, blogger. Now I'm working with GSM Player.

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